Press Release Summary = Here are some important consideration in treating ADD / ADHD before you run to the drugstore.
Press Release Body = Here are some important consideration in treating ADD / ADHD before you run to the drugstore.
Allergies; Especially Food Allergies. The best way to find out if your child is allergic to the foods he or she eats everyday is a food elimination diet. Look at the common food allergens first. milk and dairy, wheat, peanuts, corn, chocolate, sugar, soda pop, citrus, eggs, food dyes, additives and preservatives. Nutritional Deficiencies - Especially brain nutrients like the B vitamins, B1, B3, B6 and B12. Also choline, inositol, calcium, magnesium, selenium, ZINC, manganese, potassium, iron EFA\'s, vitamin C, lecithin. Overuse of Antibiotics - How often does the doctor put your child on antibiotic. If here or she does this often, my advice is look for an new MD! Repeated treatments with antibiotics wipe out the beneficial micro-organisms in the intestinal tract. This always an overgrowth of CANDIDA and other bacteria in the body. The body becomes ACID. Your body needs to be ALKALINE to function properly.
Over stimulation with Electronic Media - Look at our society, we are overweight, over stressed and have no imagination any longer. By statistics the average American child will have watch 7 years of TV by the time they are 18. Do you see a problem? Say NO to excessive TV, Computer Games, Cell Phones, hand held games etc. I am not even going to talk about radiation! Toxic Pollution - Toxins come into our live via the air, water and food! There is little we can do about some of this. However if we change the way we live our body has the tools to fight these toxins off and remove them from the body. But first we need to alkalize our bodies with the right foods and plenty of WATER. Let\'s not forget the exercise! Get your children involved in something that will increase their focus, imagination, fitness level and build their confidence! Check out the website below if you have not already done so. Martial Arts is great for kids with ADD / ADHD.
Yours in building strong focused kids,
Master Art Mason Founder: The Peaceful Warriors\' Martial Arts Institute 519-962-9820